Thursday, July 12, 2018

Coffee, Atheism, and My First Blog Entry

My first blog - my first blog entry. Hmm... I suppose I should tell you a little bit about myself. As the Queensryche lyrics in their song "Eyes Of A Stranger" say, "Why am I here, and for how long?" And while not from said song, probably more pressing to you, "Who am I?"

Good questions, and ones to which I hopefully have good answers.

I am here because... I love to write. No... that's not really why. Actually, it is true, but it's much more than that. I'm here because I love the opportunity - the platform writing provides me wherein I can pass stories and events and feelings and passions and information along to you, the reader! I love to write, but more so, I love the medium writing can be. It is my way of connecting with you, of passing along information which I deem important - whether it's a social injustice, harm done in the name of religion, or just something comical that I hope will make your day.
I am... a barista; I am passionate about coffee. I find fascinating the entire process - from the farm to the cup and every step in between. I roast my own coffee and I have more ways to brew coffee than probably any coffee shop does, which is where I am employed as a barista. My favorite coffee is an African coffee - a Burundi, to be exact. Roasted to the proper level - a city to city+ roast, the caramel notes are absolutely amazing!

I am... passionate about people; I love connecting with and building relationships with people. I care about people - whether that person be a family member, a close friend, or a total stranger. I find joy in connecting with people; I love the opportunity each connection provides to bring a little joy into that person's life. 

You are probably beginning to see why I am a barista. It affords me the opportunity to combine two of my passions into one setting - coffee and people. Coffee is a great medium which effectively and successfully brings people together.

Another of my passions - I hinted at it a few paragraphs ago, is non-theism, or the lack of belief in any gods, as well as in any supernatural, and the discussion of such things. That hint I am referring to is "harm done in the name of religion." By now you probably have assumed - and rightfully so, that I am no fan of religion. In fact, I am proudly and happily an atheist, and I created this blog as a forum to promote and to discuss non-theism and why I am not a believer any longer. I also envision this blog as being a safe place for people - regardless of belief or not to discuss and exchange ideas, thoughts, concerns, questions, etc., although, and admittedly, its content will be decidedly atheist leaning.

Yes - any longer. I was a christian (and a pastor for that matter) before abandoning my faith altogether. I will post my memoirs, which chronicle my journey from faith to atheism in the near future. They will go into great detail why I no longer believe - why I no longer CAN believe. For now, this will suffice.

In addition to posting my memoirs, there are a few other things you can be looking for. I am passionate (Again, you have probably made an assumption, and again, it would be correct, that I am a passionate person - very much so, actually!) about several things that have harmed people as a result of being involved in religion - which for the majority of this blog will be christianity. I will be focusing on two of those, although I won't limit it to just those two. They are - the shame caused by christian beliefs and the mistreatment and sometimes downright abuse of women caused by misogyny which is both promoted and supported in the christian's most holy book - the bible. 

I am excited about this blog and the opportunities it provides me - but mostly, I am excited about the opportunity to connect with you.

Thank you for stopping by; please check back often as I will update and post regularly. I will also have "guest bloggers" occasionally share their content here, along with the occasional video, etc. You are at the very beginning of an exciting journey with me.

Welcome, my friend! And may the blog be with you. 

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